
Gedoneerd: € 614,00
Doel: € 1.000,00

Celebrating Xmas 2002 with my husband Bart Verdegaal not knowing that one week later he got Meningitis and certainly not knowing that he subsequently would pass away a few weeks thereafter as father of our 15 months old twin.
Reny ten Haaf

Celebrating Xmas 2016 in Washington DC with my family and my dear friend Matthijs Malessy not knowing that 10 weeks later I got hit by a virus causing Encephalitis and I had to fight for my life the reaming part of the year.
Jur Deitmers

Now we are all facing a 2020 Xmas in covid-19 circumstances it would be great if you could consider to support ItsME. As a person maybe besides or instead of giving the regular type of presents to each other. As a company maybe as the choice for the yearly charity donation.

“The power of WE is stronger than the power of ME”. It would be very much appreciated.

Reny and Jur


Deze kanjers zetten zich in om meer internationaal onderzoek te realiseren naar hersen(vlies)ontsteking. Help jij ons om het doel van dit project te bereiken? Jouw donatie wordt heel erg gewaardeerd. Iedere euro telt! Hieronder kan je doneren aan individuele personen of aan teams. Je kunt zoeken op team of op naam van de deelnemer.

Vrijwilliger worden?

Als professionele goededoelenorganisatie proberen wij de kosten zo laag mogelijk te houden. Daarom kunnen we alle hulp goed gebruiken. Zoals Lionel Richie al zong “Is it ME you’re looking for?” ofwel past het doel van onze stichting goed bij jou, meld je dan aan als vrijwilliger.