Terry de Boer

Gedoneerd: € 2.713,00
Doel: € 1.500,00

On Saturday 20th of August I will be joining the It’s Me Foundation in a 50 km walk to raise funds for research on Auto-Immune Encephalitis (AIE).

What is Auto-Immune Encephalitis (AIE)?
AIE is caused when the immune system makes antibodies that are not supposed to be there. These antibodies attack healthy brain cells, wrongly identifying them as invaders, causing inflammation of the brain. It can affect patients of all ages, including infants and the elderly and can be fatal without treatment.

Why am I raising funds?
My brother is currently recovering from AIE and the journey towards a diagnosis was long and uncertain. AIE is relatively unknown and often misdiagnosed, while early medical treatment significantly increases the chance of a positive outcome. More research is needed to shape an effective recovery program. I want to create more awareness on AIE and raise funds for further research leading to earlier diagnosis and more targeted treatment.

Light Weight Baby!
My brother and I are both fans of Ronnie Coleman, who is the greatest bodybuilder of all time. The shirt I am wearing in the picture with my brother has a famous quote of Ronnie on it. His daily routine mainly consists of eating, training or sleeping. It requires tremendous motivation and resilience from inside to maintain a daily routine like that. Ronnie uses his famous phrase ‘light weight baby’ to push himself past his comfort zone and reach for new levels (like an 800 pound squat).

The mindset and daily routine of a bodybuilder is comparable to what it takes for a patient to recover from AIE. It is not a sprint, but a marathon. I’ll probably need a few Light Weight Baby shouts myself to finish the 50 km walk. Your support will definitely boost my motivation.

Do you want to contribute with a donation?
Awesome! Your donations enable further research and help those who are struggling with this illness. Our overall objective is to raise EUR 100.000,- and we are currently just over EUR 80.000,-.

Thank you!


Deze kanjers zetten zich in om meer internationaal onderzoek te realiseren naar hersen(vlies)ontsteking. Help jij ons om het doel van dit project te bereiken? Jouw donatie wordt heel erg gewaardeerd. Iedere euro telt! Hieronder kan je doneren aan individuele personen of aan teams. Je kunt zoeken op team of op naam van de deelnemer.

Vrijwilliger worden?

Als professionele goededoelenorganisatie proberen wij de kosten zo laag mogelijk te houden. Daarom kunnen we alle hulp goed gebruiken. Zoals Lionel Richie al zong “Is it ME you’re looking for?” ofwel past het doel van onze stichting goed bij jou, meld je dan aan als vrijwilliger.