Wereld Meningitis Dag 2023

Donated: € 1.012,50
Goal: € 750,00

Op 18 juni 2023 overleed de bijna 2-jarige Maeve ten gevolge van een bacteriële hersenvliesontsteking (meningitis). Binnen 3 dagen veranderde Maeve van gezonde dreumes naar een doodziek kind.

Ondanks de grote zorgen van haar ouders Lindsey en Morteza, hebben de artsen het ziekteproces van Maeve volledig onderschat.

Op 5 oktober is het Wereld Meningitis Dag en daarom geven wij aandacht aan het verhaal van Maeve.

Wij, als ItsME Foundation, zetten ons onder andere in om meer bekendheid te geven aan de symptomen van Meningitis en Encefalitis. Als eerder was onderkend dat Maeve hersenvliesontsteking had, dan was Maeve misschien niet overleden.

Wil jij ons financieel steunen?

Het aantal gevallen met bacteriële hersenvliesontsteking neemt namelijk de laatste jaren toe! Daarom zetten wij ons in om meer bekendheid te geven aan deze ziekte door onder andere een webinar voor (huis)artsen zodat zij beter de symptomen leren te herkennen.



On 18 June 2023, almost 2-year-old Maeve died as a result of bacterial brain membrane infection (meningitis). Within 3 days, Maeve changed from a healthy toddler to a deathly ill child.

Despite the deep concern of her parents Lindsey and Morteza, doctors completely underestimated Maeve's disease process.

October 5 is World Meningitis Day, which is why we are giving attention to Maeve's story.

Among other things, we, as ItsME Foundation, are committed to raising awareness about the symptoms of Meningitis and Encephalitis. If it had been recognised earlier that Maeve had meningitis, Maeve might not have died.

Will you support us financially?

Because the number of cases with bacterial meningitis has been increasing in recent years! That is why we are committed to raising awareness of this disease by for example a webinar for (GP) doctors so they learn to better recognise the symptoms.


These go-getters are committed to achieving more international research into brain (membrane) inflammation. Will you help us reach the goal of this project? Your donation is much appreciated. Every euro counts! Below you can donate to individuals or teams. You can search by team or by the name of the participant.

Want to become a volunteer?

As a professional charity organization, we try to keep costs as low as possible. That's why we can use all the help. As Lionel Richie sang “Is it ME you're looking for?” or if the purpose of our foundation suits you, then register as a volunteer.