Daan Snellink

Donated: € 930,00
Goal: € 750,00

Op 20 mei ren ik de halve marathon (21,1 km) om geld in te zamelen voor meer onderzoek naar encefalitis en meningitis (hersen(vlies)ontsteking). Van dichtbij heb ik gezien en gemerkt hoe ingrijpend zo'n ziekte is. Laten we ervoor zorgen dat zo min mogelijk mensen dit nog hoeft te overkomen door It's ME Foundation te steunen en daarmee concreet wetenschappelijk onderzoek mogelijk te maken!


These go-getters are committed to achieving more international research into brain (membrane) inflammation. Will you help us reach the goal of this project? Your donation is much appreciated. Every euro counts! Below you can donate to individuals or teams. You can search by team or by the name of the participant.

Want to become a volunteer?

As a professional charity organization, we try to keep costs as low as possible. That's why we can use all the help. As Lionel Richie sang “Is it ME you're looking for?” or if the purpose of our foundation suits you, then register as a volunteer.